5 bước nâng cao khả năng tạo nguồn giới thiệu

When a customer refers a prospect to you, you’ve already won some of the new prospect’s trust. Without this skill, because you’ll be dependent upon traditional lead generation, yYou’ll end up working harder to get fewer sales. Here’s how to hone this skill:

STEP #1: Aim for unsolicited referrals. Rather than badgering your customers for leads (either when you close or afterwards), set up situations where your customers will recommend you to prospects, who then give you call… because your existing customer gave you a good recommendation.

STEP #2: Provide incredible service. Be certain that you and your company, provides the absolutely highest level of service in your industry. Anticipate what they’re likely to want and arrange ahead of time to have it taken care of.

STEP #3: Provide extra value. Find something that you can do for the customer that’s outside of the expected products and services. Best of all, give referrals to your customers. Show your customers where they might be able to get new business and they’ll return the favor.

STEP #4: Socialize with your customers. Find opportunities to meet with your customers socially, at business networking events, on the golf course, at informal lunches, or anything else that’s not strictly business. The more often you meet outside of a sales situation, the more likely they are to refer people to you.

STEP #5: Make it easy for customers to spread the word. Don’t bother with overused ‘spifs" like coffee mugs. Instead, give the customer a personalized gift that will become an office conversational item. For example, if a customer is a big baseball fan, you might take a baseball, have everybody on your team autograph it, and then present it to the customer.